My Chemical Romance Kick Ass!!

Interview With Mcr
Interview With Frank Iero
Interview With Frank Iero #2
Interview With Gerard Way
MCR'S Gerard Way: The Worst Secret-Keeper
Bob Bryar
Frank Iero
Gerard Way
Mikey Way
Ray Toro

Interview With Mcr

Email interview with My Chemical Romance
September 27, 2004

"With the release of incendiary new album Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, New Jersey's own My Chemical Romance has consolidated a reputation for brilliant, biting, and boundary-leaping rock 'n' roll that first came to worldwide attention with their 2002 Eyeball Records debut, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love. Featuring 13 new originals written by the band, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge is an impressive leap forward for a group that's been constantly on tour for the better part of two years, winning a fanatical following across North America and Europe, both as headliners and co-billed with the Used, Taking Back Sunday, Story Of The Year, and a host of others." (

Dennis: Hey guys, thanks a ton to take the time to do this email interview while you are out on the road! My Chemical Romance, how did you guys come up with the name and give a brief run down on how you 5 got together? 
Mikey : The name "My Chemical Romance" originated from the author Irvine Welsh's novel "Three Tales Of Chemical Romance". All of Irving Welsh's novels have also been classified as "Chemical Romances" as they involved young people whom are strung out on drugs with some sort of romantic element to it. This isn't to say that the band condones drug use, as we are all clean and sober. We all got together after Gerard called up a bunch of friends after writing a bunch of songs with our previous drummer, Matt. We all loved the songs so much that we wanted to be a part somehow. Frankie joined the band after the break up of his then band "Pencey Prep". We wanted a second guitarist and Frankie really wanted to be a part, so he was inducted into the band. Finally, Bob was added after the dismissal of our previous drummer, Matt.

Dennis: MCR is all over the board on the latest release, "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" both vocally and musically.  What was the biggest influence for this album with those perspectives in mind?
Ray: There really wasn't one main influence on us for this record.  We each listen to different music, so we all bring our own ideas to the music.  I come from a more technical style of playing, Frank plays a little dirtier punk style, and Gerard and Mikey are obsessed with Brit-Pop and the Smiths, so all those elements work their way into the songs. 

Dennis: One thing we noticed was a lot of dark imagery and doom-and-gloom lyrical content.  Often through this type of message very important messages are given but sometimes missed.  What was the purpose and the message you want portrayed from this album and why was their a PA sticker on the cd with basically limited offensive words at all on the cd? 
Gerard:  The PA sticker was for lyrical content, suggestive or otherwise blatantly violent lyrics. The message is simple, and one that we always portray: keep yourself alive and always have hope. If people see through the doom and gloom they will find the light at the end of the tunnel more obviously than "...bullets...". The idea behind this record was to tell a fictional story that mirrored the first 2 years of our lives. To execute the message we use metaphors, such as the supernatural element of resurrection.

Dennis: Our stance on lyrical content is listeners must weigh the positive and negative inputs in their life.  I personally steer away from negative music. What are your thoughts of the influence of negative lyrical content on the listeners?
Gerard: People should be allowed to think for themselves. I know this is the typical answer but it really is true. We like to give our fans more credit than most people would and let them figure out what's right and wrong on their own.

Dennis: MCR has been touring machines lately and never seem to rest. You guys are currently on is the tour progressing?
Frank: Yes we are currently on tour for the rest of our natural lives. However, there is talk of using a form of cryogenics so that we will be able to tour longer. We are now on the Nintendo fusion tour and the shows have all been great because of the kids, and for no other reason. MCR fans are the most amazing people, our shows are a healing and everyone gets involved. I can't imagine any other bands having better kids than ours, and if they do at least I know our kids can beat up their kids.

Dennis: The imagery on your site and cd is pretty goth/eccentric.  We don't noramlly even ask bands about that but I love art and what influences others in that regard.  Who did the cover art for your cd and website?
Ray: Originally the cover was supposed to be a photograph, so Gerard painted a sketch of what it should look like.  The sketch ended up being so good that we used it for the cover. The website was designed by Gerard and  Jon Sulkow at Prod4ever.

Dennis: I noticed the image of the rosary in your cd booklet.  One of the things are website deals a lot with are the aspects of importance on spirituality and with us that is Christianity.  What are your thoughts, yes you can be honest we have heard it all haha, on the modern movement of Christianity both pros and cons?
Mikey: The image in the CD booklet of the rosary beads was meant as a memorial to Helen Rush (me and Gerard's grandmother) who passed away shortly before we went to Los Angeles to record the record. It's actually a scan of her rosary beads. As for my thoughts on the modern movement of Christianity, I am kind of on the fence. I'm not 100 percent familiar with the goings on in Christianity today, as Gerard and I grew up with a Christian upbringing, and we no longer practice it. I understand the importance of faith and spirituality but I think that each person in entitled to their own opinion for such. I have my own form of faith and spirituality but it isn't Christian based.

Dennis: Most bands are put on a pedestal by fans, whether it is welcomed or not.  What is your advice to teens that may be going through some crazy things in their life and do you have any examples you are willing to share about how you guys have overcome adversity?
Ray: Everybody goes through rough things in their lives, us included.  The best advice we can give is to never give up, and always believe in yourself because when you do that, anything is possible.  

Dennis: AARRRGGG what did you blokes do on September 19 in celebration of "Talk Like a Pirate Day" and please answer in pirate talk only.
Frank: ARRRRGH!! The romance got tested fer the scurvey they did, and got drunk off Cap'n Morgan.....arrrgh!


Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge