My Chemical Romance Kick Ass!!

Interview With Mcr
Interview With Frank Iero
Interview With Frank Iero #2
Interview With Gerard Way
MCR'S Gerard Way: The Worst Secret-Keeper
Bob Bryar
Frank Iero
Gerard Way
Mikey Way
Ray Toro



On this site I'll include everything I know about my favorite band, including a recordings list,news and gossip, photos, show reviews, and more.

On this site, I might include some information about the band's background or discuss how I originally became a fan and what I like best about the band.

Thanks for taking a look at my site. Be sure to get in touch with your thoughts and suggestions. I'll be updating frequently, so please check back often.


                 My Chemical Romance.
                   Gerard Way=Singer
                   Mikey Way=Bass    
                   Frank Iero=Guitar
                   Ray Toro=Guitar
                   Bob Bryar=Drums

Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge