My Chemical Romance Kick Ass!!

Interview With Mcr
Interview With Frank Iero
Interview With Frank Iero #2
Interview With Gerard Way
MCR'S Gerard Way: The Worst Secret-Keeper
Bob Bryar
Frank Iero
Gerard Way
Mikey Way
Ray Toro
Frank Iero


Name: Frank AKA Frankie

Middle Name: Anthony

Last Name: Iero

Birthdate: October 31st, 1982

Home town: Belleville, New Jersey

Sign: Scorpio

Eyes: Hazel

Age: 23

Band Role: 2nd Guitar

Past Band: Pencey Prep

Bands Before Pencey Prep: Hybrid and Sector 12

Band Played Briefly In: I Am A Graveyard

Fav. Pop: Coca Cola or mounatin dew (he cant decide)

Fav. Bands: Black Flag, The Bouncing Souls, American
Nightmare and Beasite Boys


Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge